Thursday, June 27, 2013

...Do You Follow Through?

One of our business owners is rehabbing a building to move his business to soon.  The nightmare stories he has been telling me of contractors is worth mentioning.  His biggest issue with contractors for anything from electricity to painting has been getting them to show up.    

Contractors will show up and give him a quote then agree to come in and do the work. Then just never show up.  How is this possible?  Can you imagine running your business this way?  Would you give someone a quote for a service or good and then just never follow through? 

Apparently this happens all the time.  What would a good contractor be able to do if they actually showed up and did the job as promised?  So many small business owners out there are running their business like this.  They have no one to organize the jobs for them or they may overbook themselves or get a bigger contract and never go back to the other contracts they wrote and fulfill those.

I am just amazed at the work that goes to other contractors because people do this type of business.  Do you fulfill every contract you write?  Do you do the work you promised to do making sure that the client is satisfied with the work? If you have answered no to any of those questions, you need to be rethinking the work you do.   A lot of people get business based on referrals or they don’t even get the call because they get a bad reputation for not following through or doing the job they said they’d do.  

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