Tuesday, February 18, 2014

...What Happens When You Get Sick?

Since it’s cold and flu season I have not missed the opportunity to not only get a bad cold but to pass it along to my husband.  I was down and out for a couple of days as he is now.  So what happens to your business when you get sick? Do you have a contingency plan?  Who handles everything for you?

I have to convince my husband to stay home when he is sick.  First of all he needs time to rest to feel better and fight off the cold.  Second, when he goes in to work and is contagious he gives it to others. So let me just say to those of you who will get sick- STAY HOME! But how do you do that if you are the boss?

If you have staff, you should have them trained to fill in for you when you need them.  We always tell business owners that to truly be a business owner in charge of your own time you need to be able to get away at a minimum of a week without your business falling apart.  That means having someone there to handle everything for you- someone you trust. So if you haven’t done that – make it a priority.  No one wants to think they can be replaced but at the very least they should be replaceable for a week at a time.  It will help your sanity and your health in the long run. 

Suzanne Cormier
Executive Director
BizWorks (Small Business Incubator)
Follow Suzanne Cormier on Facebook and
Twitter @BizWorksCenter

Thursday, February 6, 2014

...How Do You Treat Your Members or Customers?

I run a member-oriented organization and have also worked for another one in my career.  What I have found is that it really matters how you and your employees treat your members. It’s the same for your customers.   

People continue with you and your business based a lot of how they are treated and whether or not they feel valued.  I belong to several of these organizations.  I have seen them do very well and not so well.   

One of the key things I have found important is how the owner or the one in charge values their members or customers.  Are they money-driven to the point that when you think about that organization that is all you feel they value?  Do they recognize hard work and dedication to their organization (you can tell this sometimes by employee/volunteer attitudes)? 

I have worked with organizations that do an excellent job of recognizing hard work and value input. I have worked with some that care only about their bottom line and make it clear to everyone.
So if you were to ask customers or members what they thought of your organization what do you think they’d say?  It might be worth some time to consider this- it just might help you keep the customers or members you have and encourage new ones to join you.  

Suzanne Cormier
Executive Director
BizWorks (Small Business Incubator)
Follow Suzanne Cormier on Facebook and
Twitter @BizWorksCenter

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

...the Art of Thank You


How often do you say thank you to the people who work with you closely?  When you work closely with people and they do their jobs on a consistent daily basis and do them well a thank you can be a nice reward.  How you say it and when can be important too.  A thank you to your team can help keep them on track and keep them going strong.

 Look at the work that is being performed. People go above and beyond on their jobs all the time and few notice.  It’s just who they are.  Sometimes a simple thank you for your hard work or letting them know you think they are good at what they do can motivate and help them feel appreciated. 

We all like to think we do a good job and that people notice what we do. But it’s not always true. Truer still is they may notice and never say a word to us.  When you know someone is doing a great job, let them know, just say thank you.  

Image Source

Suzanne Cormier
Executive Director
BizWorks (Small Business Incubator)
Follow Suzanne Cormier on Facebook and
Twitter @BizWorksCenter