Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Don't Quit Your Day Job

Don't Quit Your Day Job

I was talking to a new business group the other day and we were discussing how overwhelmed they felt about all they needed to accomplish and all the ideas being thrown their way.  I said to them that being overwhelmed as a small business owner happens, but how you handle it can help move you along, or stop you in your tracks.  Small business owners have made the choice to put all the decisions in their own hands. They no longer have to have someone tell them what to do or when to do it.  That can be a great thing, if you are willing to deal with the stress.

We see so many small business owners come to the realization that there is no one that is holding them accountable.  There is no boss breathing down their neck, no supervisor evaluating their performance.  The buck really does stop with them.  So what I told this group was you now have the freedom to listen to all the advice you get or none of it because the choice is now yours.  You have to decide when to call the client, pay the bills, hire the next employee and when to take time off.  These choices are what sometimes drive a person to have their own business but they can also be the things that drive the person right out of business. 

When you decide to start your business you have to be prepared to not only take all the glory, but be ready to make the hard decisions that have to be made. If you aren’t up to that, don’t quit your day job. #don’tquityourdayjob .  

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