So, you’ve moved your business along and now it’s time to hire employees. It’s important that you think about how your employees will behave (the rules) before you actually hire them. In other words, you need to put something down on paper. You don’t need a 50 page manual when a simple Word document will do. Make sure you think about the types of employees you will be hiring and what is important that they know about your company.
Things like what time to arrive, how long the work day will be, are holiday and vacation pay going to be part of their package? Do you need a dress code? What kind of disciplinary procedures will you need? Because once you hire you might have to fire. Always have that plan in place before you have to use it. Do some research on the web, there are lots of materials out there you can use. Also, talk to a small business human resource person. They may give you a great rate to help you write the policies you need and to keep them updated.
The bottom line is, have the plan in place to hire, train and discipline employees BEFORE you need that plan.
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